We, Bestvision take pride in our food safety which is not only the one delivering you but also the good storage system.
We have trained quality assurance and testing team. Sample products are inspected and tested by the team to ensure products are meeting Saudi Arabia’s food quality guidelines.
The location of the vegetables and fruits processing is taken into account to the utmost safety and meets the correct standards. The production farm, storage place and the transportation vehicle will be in suitable size, pollution free and most hygienic and maintained to reduce the risk of contamination and facilitate the production of safe and legal finished vegetables and fruits.
Materials used for the internal structure of buildings is always be durable, prevent buildup of dirt, easy to clean and maintain, and safe for staff as well. The layout of the production line should allow easy maintenance and cleaning of machinery and surrounds and prevent contamination of the food products and ingredients during the production process.
The layout of the production farm and storage place will allow easy maintenance and cleaning of the same and surrounds, prevent contamination of the food products and ingredients during the production process.
The procuring fresh and seasonal crops directly from farms also has been taken into account to comply with food safety regulations. We ensure all food handling and processing is performed to a high standard of hygiene.
Our processing and packaging section is also well equipped with all facilities and we take great care in procuring, transporting and packaging fresh fruits and vegetables.